Friday 2 May 2014

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

I woke this morning to a very surprising yet wonderful comment from Sonya from Once upon a glam- which told me that she had picked me as one of her chosen winners for this award, I am extremely surprised yet grateful to have been even considered and I am so happy that at least one person likes what I am doing, When I started TheBelleOfBeauty just 4 months ago I really did not expect to get this much support and love from all you guys I just want to take a minute to say that I am extremely grateful for you guys reading this and following and commenting etc. I love to hear your feedback on what I am doing and I am happy that you love to read it as much as I love to write it. So now onto the award, To take part you have to list 7 facts about yourself and then nominate 15 bloggers. The rules for this award are :

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website.
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented you with the award.
3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post.
5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

Now 7 facts about myself:
1.I am 18, Irish and have blue eyes and auburn hair.
2.I have a fear of spiders and pigeons I think I mentioned these in a post already haha, I am terrified of both !.
3.My favourite colour is purple (hence the theme on this blog).
4.I am a very laid back but shy person.
5.My favourite TV shows are EastEnders and Criminal Minds.
6.I would love to live in New York one day.
7.I am sitting my Leaving Certificate this Summer.

Now the 15 people I nominate are:
1. Brittany -
2. Madison -
3. Soph -
4. Aisha -
5. Stephania -
6. Hannah -
7. Lisa -
8. Yassy -
9. Tess -
10. Francesca -
11. Ashley -
12. Judy -
13. Anne -
14. Brittany -
15. Beth -

I hope all you guys take time to participate and I look forward to seeing your posts :) and as always guys thanks for reading :).


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination! It means a lot! I love purple as well! Ick spiders! Disgusting! I have a fear of them too and snakes.

  2. Your very welcome :) I love light purple :) hate spiders I die inside when I see one near me haha
