Monday 8 September 2014

One Lovely Blog Award.


I was recently nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by the lovely Laura from . I am really happy that she nominated me and I would just like to say a big thank you to her, I have been feeling a bit uninspired lately but when I saw the comment on my previous post from Laura it made me feel a lot better. Please go over and take a look at her blog and follow her if you would like.

The rules of the One Lovely Blog Award are:
1. You must thank the person/people who nominate you and include a link to their blog.
2. You must List the rules and display the award on your blog.
3. You must add 7 unknown/random facts about yourself.
4. You must nominate 15 Bloggers you love to read/are inspired by.
5. You must display the award logo and follow the Blogger that nominated you.

My 7 facts.
1. I start training to be a make up artist tomorrow.
2. So far what I know about make up is self thought or learnt through YouTube.
3. I will turn 19 this November.
4. I am addicted to Instagram. (@keeleysomers)
5. I am also addicted to The make up social app, there are so many lovely inspiring girls and so much make up
talk :). (keeleys)
6. I don't understand twitter at all , I have an account I just don't get it at all.(please tell me im not
the only one)
7. I write out all of my blog posts by hand before I type them out. I've done this since I first started does anybody else do this ?

My 15 Bloggers.
1. Christie Leigh -
2. Beth -
3. Sonya Danielle -
4. Benita -
5. Anne -
6. Carly -
7. Ashley -
8. Chloe -
9. Madison -
10. Shannon -
11. Jess -
12. Carly -
13. Cynthia -
14. Megan -
15. Zoe -

I would just like to say another big thank you to Laura for nominating me. I will have some tutorials and hauls coming soon and I apologise for the lack of posts lately but I was having a writers block but I am inspired again and I will be posting another post this week but it will be make up related.
Thank you all for reading. :)

=My Social Media=
YouTube -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Instagram -

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